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(00:00-03:57) – In the opening segment of today’s show, Greg Rakestraw updates you about the training moratorium for the Indy Eleven, previews whom you will be hearing from the rest of the show, and what Indy Eleven moment you can watch tonight on TV!

(03:59-17:45) – Midfielder for the Indy Eleven in Drew Connor joins the program to explain how the phrase “Professional Footy Fun Ball” came about, what the one thing he would order from Wisconsin if it could appear on his doorstep, and provides a little background information on his business.

(17:47-39:13) – Former Indy Eleven player and current assistant coach from Sacramento Republic FC in Colin Falvey follows Connor for a lengthy elaborating on how long he believes the team will need to get ready to start playing again, when he knew it was time to go from a player to a coach, and they reflect on his favorite memory and accomplishment during his time as a player with the boys in blue.

(39:15-45:08) – As we go up against time, Greg plays a snippet of his conversation with former General Manager of the Indy Eleven Peter Wilt on how the the Indy Eleven got their name, but he tells you where you can go to listen to the entire forty minute conversation.

(45:09-47:21) – In the final segment of this morning’s show, Greg wraps up the show telling you where you can watch relive some of the best Indy Eleven moments tonight and tomorrow night and dates to consider as to when you could see some soccer return.

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